I write again how to access ISS using the "Soundmodem_1k2 + UISS" via soundcard without TNC.
This is the way JA0CAW was described previously. I also wrote in the following URL for more
information and I write the imprtant points again as follows.
1. Make an interface with the trans and capacitor between PC and RIG.
2. Soundmodem -> Setting -> Device -> Set PTT_Port
3. UISS -> Setup -> Main_LAN -> Check Enable_LAN_Mode
As you can see the figure below, it is written in black in Soundmodem and in red in UISS
by default when I successfully digipeat. Satellite callsign is RS0ISS or RS0ISS-4.
It can support both if you set to "ARISS" in the "Via:" of the upper part of UISS.
11:29-11:38UTC (20:29-20:38JST), 20 Jun 2013, Ele 21 WN-N-NE, 145.825MHZ AFSK