HADES-R tbd2025年01月20日 08時32分

HADES-R, Transporter 12 Mission (SpaceX), OTV ION SCV-016, (In orbit, pending deployment)
HADES-ICM, Planned launch Q1 2025, Transporter 13 Mission (SpaceX)

This is just to inform you that HADES-R, at this moment orbiting inside the
D-Orbit OTV ION-SCV-016, will be deployed this Wednesday (January 22th).

If the satellite is working well, transmissions should begin a pair of minutes
after the deployment.

Please, be aware that the repeater will not be activated yet. We expect to do
this once all the checks have been done, something that can take some weeks.
We will inform you in this list and by X (@AmsatSpain) when the repeater is active.

Frequencies are as follows:


Uplink:   145.925MHz, FM voice (no subtone) /  FSK modes
Downlink: 436.888MHz, FM voice, CW, FSK 200bps-2400bps (200bps by default for telemetry)

If you receive any telemetry, we appreciate a lot if you share it with us on X or by
our e-mail address satcontrol(at)amsat-ea.org


BRO-16, AX.100 no CRC322025年01月19日 19時49分

#10951739, ax100nocrc32.zip @UZ7HO

Sats Update2025年01月19日 18時48分

Launch Date: 15 Jan 2025
Launch Vehicle: Falcon-9 v1.2
Libre Space
New Sats

AlainSat-1       400.850    9600bps FSK
ANSER-Leaser-S   401.850    9600bps FSK
BALKAN-1         401.360    9600bps GMSK
BlueBon          400.850    FM         
BRO-16           401.735    4k8/9k6 FSK
Centauri-7       400.220    9600bps FSK
Centauri-8       400.220    9600bps FSK
ConnectaIoT-5    401.510    4800bps GMSK
ConnectaIoT-6    401.520    4800bps GMSK
ConnectaIoT-7    401.530    4800bps GMSK
ConnectaIoT-8    401.540    4800bps GMSK
Elevation-1      400.575    FM          
FossaSat-2E18    401.700    LoRa        
FossaSat-2E19    401.700    LoRa        
HADES-R          436.888    200-2k4 FSK,FM,CW
HADES-ICM        436.666    200-2k4 FSK,FM,CW
HCT-SAT1         436.200    9600bps GMSK
HYPE             437.400    9600bps GFSK
INNOCUBE         435.950    9600bps MSK 
ION-SCV-014      401.415    1200bps FSK 
ION-SCV-016      401.415    1200bps FSK 
IRIS-F2          400.915    2400bps BPSK
IRIS-F3          400.920    2400bps BPSK
Parus-T1         436.850    1k2AFSK APRS_Digipeater
POQUITO          437.050    9600bps GFSK,CW
PROMETHEUS-1     437.400    LoRa        
SATurnin-1       400.575    FM          
Sedna-2          400.575    FM          
SKYBEE-A01       401.050    FM          
TechEdSat-22     401.875    FM          

HCT-SAT12025年01月19日 01時08分

436.200MHz, 9600bps GMSK, #10926841
Higher Collages Technology, United Arab
Launch: 15 Jan 2025

BALKAN-12025年01月18日 23時38分

401.360MHz 9k6_GMSK #10927529
Company EnduroSat, Bulgaria
Launch: 15 Jan 2025

Centauri-7/82025年01月18日 19時35分

Centauri-7  400.220MHz  9600bps FSK
Centauri-8  400.220MHz  9600bps FSK
Fleet Space Technologies, Australia
Launch: 15 Jan 2025

Centauri-7 #10938235, FLEF5N
Centauri-8 #10936897, FLEF6N

INNOCUBE #22025年01月17日 18時30分

#10937094, ax100nocrc32.zip @UZ7HO
It appears the transmission stop now.

IRIS-F2/F32025年01月17日 14時29分

IRIS-F2 400.915MHz 2k4_BPSK
IRIS-F3 400.920MHz 2k4_BPSK
National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan


INNOCUBE #12025年01月16日 22時25分

TU Berlin, Germany
InnoCubE - Innovative CubeSat for Education
435.950MHz, 9k6_MSK, AX.100 no CRC32, #10928558

Parus-T1 APRS_Digipeater beacon2025年01月16日 10時18分

PARUS-T1 is dedicated to receive APRS signals on three major global frequencies:
144.640 MHz, 144.390 MHz, and 144.800 MHz. Record the Received Signal Strength
Indicator (RSSI) data for each received APRS packet. Utilize a Global Navigation
Satellite System (GNSS) receiver to determine the CubeSat's orbit location during
signal reception. Store the received APRS data, RSSI values, and corresponding
location data in the On- Board Computer (OBC) memory. Transmit the stored data to
ground station. Students will also be extensively involved in mission data analysis
and will gain hands on experience in understanding ionospheric propagation and its
impact on terrestrial and satellite radio communications. The beacon packets shall
not be encrypted and made public to the community via websites. Community partici_
pation will be encouraged through online leaderboards for example SatNOGS network.
PARUS-T1 has an APRS digipeater to provide global amateur activities at the same
frequency of ISS APRS channel 145.825MHz. Data format of PARUS-T1 health telemetry
and payload raw data will also be published and welcome all amateurs to receive
436.850MHz for packet data of AX.25 protocol on 1200bps. The APRS payload will
receiving signal strength RSSI for major 3 global APRS frequency, and data
downlink for VHF propagation analysis. @IARU.AMSAT-UK