When you receive the downlink signal from ARISSat-1/KEDR you are
invited to send your report to the following e-mail boxes.
You will receive a PDF certificate by e-mail.
Students and school groups are especially welcome!
We look forward to your report!
Your report must contain the following information:
1) The signal you received:
a) the secret word*,
b) an SSTV image, or,
c) telemetry data
2) Your name or group name
3) The date/time of reception
4) Your e-mail address of where to send your certificate.
You will receive a PDF certificate via email.
Here are the e-mail boxes to send your reports:
Secret word* contest to: secretword@arissat1.org
SSTV image to: sstvreport@arissat1.org
Telemetry data to: tlmreport@arissat1.org
(either digital or voice report of the data you received)
Received BPSK telemetry and .CSV files should continue to be
sent to: telemetry@arissattlm.org.
* Those who do hear the secret word or call sign please do not put
it out to the world. That would ruin the contest for those still
waiting for their station to be in range.
You can find the details of the ARISSat-1/KEDR radio frequencies,
links to telemetry decoding software and mission details on-line at:
+ http://www.amsat.org
+ http://arissat1.org
ARISSat-1/KEDR can be accessed on these frequencies:
+ 145.950 MHz FM Downlink
+ 435 MHz - 145 MHz Linear Transponder
+ 145.919 MHz CW Beacon
+ 145.920 MHz SSB BPSK-1000 Telemetry
[Thanks the ARISSat-1/KEDR Team for the above information]