イタリア衛星 EduSat が、昨日(8/17) 打ち上げに成功した模様ですが、詳細は
Its downlink will operate under an Italian Telecommunications Ministry
experimental licence on 435.750 MHz. The GMSK data rates are 9.6 kbit/s
in downlink and 1.2 kbit/s in uplink. In addition, a back-up S-band channel
may be used with a downlink rates of 38.8 kbit/s.
Edusat has been built by students of the university "La Sapienza" in Roma
Italy but since no technical informations has been released and it transmit
only telemetry in GMSK when over Roma it seems that Edusat is not of
interest for the satellite amateur community but without the coordination
of the IARU Frequency Coordination Panel it seems that Edusat is another
bad strategy to use our frequency for private use without to pay for.
i8CVS Domenico