Digital Satellite Blog since 13 Jan 2006 JE9PEL/JR6, Mineo Wakita Comment Answer: Angelfish
since 13 Jan 2006 count No. 620,000 as of 25 Sep 2023 count No. 630,000 from 09 Jul 2024
NEE-01 Pegaso が、2013年5月23日に 旧ソ連時代のロケット残骸と軌道上で衝突 したというニュースが駆け巡っています。現状は衛星本体は地球を周回している ものの多大な影響が出ており、NEE-01復旧オペレーション"PERSEO"(ペルセウス) が起動されるということです。詳細は、 参照。 This is the news NEE-01 Pegaso has crashed to the debris of the Soviet rocket in the orbit on 23 May 2013. In the current state, Satellite body is orbiting the Earth, but the great influence has come out and NEE-01 recovery operation "PERSEO" (Perseus) seems to be operated by GS. For more information, refer to (Japanese web) 1ra transmision nocturna NEE01 PEGASO 16-05-2013 2do dia de transmision del NEE01 PEGASO 17-05-2013 2da Transmision Nocturna del NEE01 Pegaso 17-05-2013 3ra Transmision Nocturna del NEE01 Pegaso 19-05-2013 4to dia de transmision del NEE01 PEGASO 20-05-2013 4ta Transmision Nocturna del NEE01 PEGASO 20/05/2013 5to dia de transmision NEE001 PEGASO 21/05/2013 5ta Transmision Nocturna del NEE-01 PEGASO 21/05/2013
by JE9PEL/1 [コメント(0)|トラックバック(0)]
10:05-10:18JST, 2nd Jun 2013, Ele 44 NE-E-S 今朝のこのパスでは、何も聞こえてきませんでした。
However, actually Digi-OFF. 20:09-20:21JST, 2nd Jun 2013, Ele 42 SE-E-N
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