JAMSATシンポジウム'95草稿2010年01月13日 20時15分

古い原稿ですが、今から15年前の JAMSATシンポジウム で講演させていただいた
際の草稿を読み返してみました。衛星BBSサーバー およびデジピーターについて

http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~ei7m-wkt/eisei53.htm ~ eisei60.htm (No.1~No.8)

FO-29 schedule Jan, Feb. (英訳)2010年01月14日 20時11分

JARL says: The eclipse rate of FO-29 suddenly changes from January to
February, but it seems that the possibility of consecutive operation
is low, because the malfunction occurs in the battery control circuit.

But we make a temporary operative plan and operate it, because there is
the possibility of the spontaneous cure to be before approximately 2 years.
When the surplus occurred for the electricity income and expenditure,
we review an operative plan and do it.

In other words, FO-29 may not remain operational after eclipses due to
power budget issues but operations are planned according to the following
schedule when the satellite will be turned ON.

It is operated until time to be OFF by UVC after a transmitter turned ON
on the following date and time.

Jan.  UTC
 16   21:00-
 22   22:33-
 24   10:35-
 29   21:25-
 31   09:30-

Feb.  UTC
  5   22:00-
  7   10:00-
 11   11:40-
 12   20:53-
 14   10:40-

It does not limit the use of the analog system transponder, but
please do uplink with the reasonable power. We may cancel the use
of the next day depending on the situation of the examination use.

Please use as low power as necessary on the uplink to complete
your communications.

Re: FO-29 schedule Jan, Feb.2010年01月15日 21時35分

Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: FO-29 schedule Jan, Feb.
From: Andrew
Date: Thu, 14 Jan 2010 13:08:25 -0500

As I understand it from Mineo's postings, when the battery voltage on
FO-29 hits a certain set point the satellite turns off. By design it
should turn back on when the voltage recovers, but that part is
malfunctioning. This makes it impossible to accurately determine how
long the transponder will stay on, because it is dependent on use as
well as other parameters.

For those that remember FO-20's last months of operation, the
transponder would often be on until someone used too much power on the
uplink, or there were too many users and it would then shut off. Later
as the voltage recovered it would turn back on. At the end it was only
operational while illuminated. I think FO-29 is behaving the same way,
except it requires command intervention to turn back on.

Is this essentially correct Mineo?

73, Drew KO4MA

Re^2: FO-29 schedule Jan, Feb.2010年01月16日 18時42分

The TX will be ON till the Voltage Controller (UVC) decided to
switch OFF. Now FO-29 is still in eclipses.

For example, if the TX will be switched on at 2100 UTC on Jan 16,
then it will be switched off by UVC at about 21:24 UTC due entering
the eclipse. I understand it from the upper chart.

Black boxes are the eclipses. Yellow means sunlight (percent of
illumination). You can see that FO-29 is not free of eclipses but
they are getting more and more shorter.

FO-29 will be switched on after a eclipse and UVC will switch
off if the satellite enters the eclipse (a black box). And you
can see the last eclipse will be on Feb 08 at 00:15 UTC -> after
then we have no eclipses anymore.

You can also use a satellite software like Orbitron to simulate
the orbit and the satellite illumination.

Tnx. DK3WN, Mike

JE9PEL, Mineo Wakita

キャラクタ名2010年01月16日 18時52分

わかる方はいますか? (オリジナル作品かな?)


Re^3: FO-29 schedule Jan, Feb.2010年01月17日 08時53分

オランダ局とベルギー局の間で,『2010年1月16日 21:26UTC からのパスで交信
ができた』という報告がありました。詳細は → No.653

Subject: [amsat-bb] Re^2: FO-29 schedule Jan, Feb.
From: PE0SAT
Date: Sat, 16 Jan 2010 23:21:57 +0100

On Sat, January 16, 2010 12:41, Mineo Wakita wrote:

Hello Mineo Wakita

Thanks for all the information regarding FO-29

> If the TX will be switched on at 2100 UTC on Jan 16,
> then it will be switched off by UVC at about 21:24 UTC due entering
> the eclipse.

It didn't switch off :) in JO21ho the pass began on 22:26CEST (21:26UTC)
and the old lady was loud and clear during the entire pass.

Here is a recording from that pass:


The first 2 minutes there is Beacon CW information and after that a QSO
I had with ON5NY.

73 Jan - PE0SAT

HO-68/XW-1 status #12010年01月18日 19時53分

FM Digital は、Voice の始まる前の AOS直後 1分以内が最高に調子が良いです。
画像は、本日(1/18)夜19:31 AOS直後のものです。

今年初の ISS2010年01月18日 20時42分

JE9PEL>APRS,RS0ISS-4* [01/18/10  20:11:01] <UI R>::SAT      :Hello via ISS
JN1VNW>APRS,RS0ISS-4* [01/18/10  20:11:13] <UI>:Hello all
JA0CAW>CQ,RS0ISS-4* [01/18/10  20:11:31] <UI>::JN1VNW   :Hello via ISS
JN1VNW>APRS,RS0ISS-4* [01/18/10  20:11:43] <UI>:Hello JA0CAW
JE9PEL>APRS,RS0ISS-4* [01/18/10  20:11:51] <UI R>::JN1VNW   :Hello via ISS
JA0CAW>CQ,RS0ISS-4* [01/18/10  20:12:06] <UI>::JN1VNW   :TNX QSO 73
JE9PEL>APRS,RS0ISS-4* [01/18/10  20:12:19] <UI R>::JA0CAW   :Hello via ISS
RS0ISS-4>CQ,SGATE [01/18/10  20:12:46] <UI R>:>ARISS - International Space Station (BBS/APRS on)

8 msg to hope-12010年01月19日 19時43分

スーダンの ST2NH局が、XW-1/HO-68 にファイルアップしている様子を撮影した
動画がここで見られます。この動画直下の URL をクリックして見られる大きい
Voice も運用していることがわかりますが、よく Digital にもアクセスできて


ISS 19:12JST 20Jan20102010年01月20日 19時31分

久しぶりに UI-View32で。上図を見ると直線距離でもいけそうですが、ちゃんと
ISS経由です。最近、UISS を使うと、ISS からのビーコンを受信した直後に TNC
が勝手に FU OFF に戻ってしまって送信ができなくなるのです。何故だろう?