RS-30 telemetry hypothesis2008年05月27日 00時41分

RS-30 telemetry hypothesis by JE1CVL and JE9PEL
JE1CVL局による RS-30 テレメトリ仮説の英語バージョン大胆予想です。

Name  Limits         Decoding    Assignment
RS30                             Callsign
US    N= 100:170 [V] U= N / 10   On board voltage
IBS   N= 10:250  [A] I= N / 100  On board current
USUN  N= 0:180   [V] U= N / 10   Volts Charge voltage from solar battery
ISUN  N= 0:180   [A] I= N / 100  Ampers Charge current from solar battery
ITXA  N= 0:170   [A] I= N / 100  Ampers D.C. current of the 435 MHz TX
ITXB  N= 0:150   [A] I= N / 100  Ampers D.C. current of the 145 MHz TX
TTXA  N= 50:190  [C] T= N - 100  Temperature of the 435 MHz TX
TTXB  N= 50:190  [C] T= N - 100  Temperature of the 145 MHz TX
TNAP  N= 50:190  [C] T= N - 100  Temperature of the navigation unit
TAB   N= 50:190  [C] T= N - 100  Temperature of the inner case
MSEP  N= 30:250  [?] T= N - 100  Mode of the separator
MCON  N= 30:250  [?] T= N - 100  Mode of the controller
SMA   N= 0:255   The operational modes. The housekeeping info. of 435 MHz
SMB   N= 0:255   The operational modes. The housekeeping info. of 145 MHz
MRXA  N= 0:255   The operational modes. The housekeeping info. of 435 MHz
MRXB  N= 0:255   The operational modes. The housekeeping info. of 145 MHz


_ JE1CVL ― 2008年05月27日 19時44分



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Tropical fish?

