Masat-1 Decoder Update2012年02月21日 20時10分

Masat-1 Ground Station Client Decoder Ver 2012.02.20
にアップデートしました。起動画面の左下に Online の表示が出るようになりま
した。でも今度は、Stopボタンを押しても、Offline に戻りません。今回のバー

・"Offline" label removed, the status of the automatic packet reporting
  is displayed
・ Battery voltage constant (on the EPS panel) updated
・ Now you can change between 626/1250 bps decoding on the Packets panel
・ On the frequency waterfall now you can see tracks for the 0, CW and 1.
  The decoder is the most sensitive if the signal is in the middle of
  the highlighted track

また、次の情報もあります。(by HG5APZ)

The main new feature is the higer speed data stream decoding function
(1250 bps). The control team decided to use this high speed download mode,
because the satellite orbit flying more and more in the shadow of the sun,
they use this mode for the better power ballance. This mode will be switch
on mainly in the visibility area from the Control Station, Budapest.
If you receive the Masat-1 MO-72 signal, and you hear the sounds of the
high speed packets, feel free to use this new decode mode.



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