AO-51 S-mode ?2007年02月14日 21時25分

斜め読みですが、「AO-51 の S バンドを準備中」 と読めます。
Command Team & Operations Group AO-51 News
Important Announcements:
February 12th, 0430Z There are several new pieces of software that
need to be uploaded and tested this week on AO-51.
Additionally the S band transmitter will be on for an as of yet
undetermined number of daylight passes over the Air Force Acade my
ground station in Colorado Springs, Colorado. These passes will be used
for the ground station checkout on S band prior to the launch of
Falconsat-3 satellite, now scheduled in late February.
FS-3 carries an amateur payload along with its primary science mission.
If you find the 435.300 repeater to be inactive, please be patient as we
cooperate with our friends at the USAFA as they prepare their station
for the launch of a new satellite including an amateur payload, and as
the command team continues to upload and test new AO-51 software.
More details on the upgrades and Falconsat-3 will be made available soon.