地球は青かった2024年04月15日 10時08分


"Небо очень и очень темное, а Земля голубоватая."

"The earth was bluish."

I have the above book (written by Gagarin, first edition 1964 Jan.) in my collection.
Today, it only exists in the National Diet Library or the used bookstores. This is a
nostalgic book that led me to become obsessed with space and satellite communications.
I read it thoroughly when I was in elementary school, and I used it as the basis for
every summer's book report homework. I remember that I excerpted a certain page and
submitted it, my homeroom teacher asked me sternly, "Where are your comments written?"

VIZARD-meteo SSTV2024年04月15日 18時12分

#9363993, still transmitting signals