Recent AO-7 70cm Telemetry Data2023年09月29日 08時09分

Frank Wiesenmeyer wrote:
> We just finished graphing the solar array currents from our latest AO-7 telemetry
> data from the 70 cm beacon.  Since the CW data speed was 20 wpm, the time scale
> comes out a very convenient 1 minute per data point. With a little imagination,
> you can pretty accurately estimate the time for one revolution at about 18 minutes.
> Also noteworthy is that two channels are not varying much, which I interpret as
> the axis of the satellite is not perpendicular to the ecliptic at this time.
> Your thoughts on this point would be very interesting. I was very excited when
> I saw these very beautiful graphs and thinking about what AO-7 is telling us.
> We are very pleased that FO-29 has been on frequently recently.