国立天文台VERA石垣島天文観測局2024年02月08日 10時06分

YouTube (2m58s)

国立天文台VERA石垣島天文観測局は、2020年に 一度閉鎖されることになったが、

The National Astronomical Observatory VERA in Ishigaki island and Ampal Farm
restaurant in Nagura area are actually very close to each other. I visited both
of them today. The VERA observation station was to be closed once in 2020, but
Mr. K, an employee of the observation station at the time, and myself (in my
field of expertise) took the lead in working with a volunteer group of the local
high school students to continue activities to ensure the continuation of VERA.
After making a petition to the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science
and Technology, who was visiting Ishigaki island at the time, it was decided
that the program would continue for the time being. However, due to various
circumstances, this will only be in operation until 2026, and its continued
existence after that is unclear. I hope that it will somehow remain in operation
for a long time for the development of Japan's scientific field. (wrote @JE9PEL)

AO-92 & NO-116 re-entered2024年02月08日 14時47分

Fox-1D(AO-92) & SanoSat-1(NO-116) re-entered.