new WiFi2024年04月06日 06時56分

My WiFi system changed to "Broad WiMAX+5G".

KKS-1: QSL cards?2024年04月06日 07時18分

Sorry for my probably bad Japanese writing skills.
It's long time ago I learned it.

I know, KKS-1 is really very old and also the school
where they built and operated it is already closed down.
It's just that I don't want to give it up so early.

According to the IARU site, the frequency has been requested
by 若林良二. Unfortunately, the given email address is not
working any longer. Do you know him by accident or another
member of the KKS-1 team to get in contact?

---- Original Message ----
Congratulations on receiving CW.
KKS-1 is an old satellite launched on January 23, 2009, and is an
experimental satellite that only transmitted CW from its early days.
I think the issuance of QSL cards has already ended.

JE9PEL, Mineo Wakita

※ 貴重な連絡先情報を頂き、ありがとうございました。