SONATE-2 SSTV #12024年03月31日 09時14分


Transmission of SSTV images2024年03月31日 10時59分

[Transmission of SSTV images from satellites of the Space-Pi project dedicated to the celebration of World Aviation and Space Day]
03/30/2024 posted by R4UAB
03/31/2024 translated by JE9PEL

From April 11, 2024 to April 13, 2024, a festive transmission of SSTV images
is planned from satellites of the Space-Pi project dedicated to the celebration
of World Aviation and Cosmonautics Day (Cosmonautics Day).

This holiday is intended to annually remind us of an event that will remain
in history for centuries as one of the greatest achievements of civilization
 - the first manned flight into space.
On April 12, 1961, citizen of the Soviet Union, senior lieutenant Yu.A. Gagarin,
on the Vostok spacecraft, made the world's first orbital flight around the Earth,
opening the era of manned space flights. The flight, which lasted only 108 minutes,
was a powerful breakthrough in space exploration. The name of Yuri Gagarin became
widely known in the world, and the first cosmonaut himself received the rank of
major and the title of Hero of the Soviet Union ahead of schedule.

List of satellites participating in the transmission of SSTV images:

   UMKA-1 (RS40S)
   MONITOR-3 (RS58S)
   MONITOR-4 (RS57S)
   UTMN-2 (RS27S)

SSTV program schedule:

   Start of transmissions: April 11, 2024 at 00:00 UTC.
   End of transmission:    April 13, 2022 at 23:59 UTC.

The SSTV broadcast can be interrupted if necessary! (temperature increase, battery
discharge, etc.) Date and time may change. Stay tuned for updates on this page!
Three (3) images will be transmitted from each satellite in SSTV format.

Format - SSTV Robot 72

The interval between the start of transmission of each picture is 3 minutes
(can be adjusted later).


   Frequency of MKA "UMKA-1 (RS40S)":       437.625 MHz GMSK 2k4/4k8/9k6 USP FEC, SSTV.
   Frequency of MKA "MONITOR-3 (RS58S)":    435.290 MHz GMSK 2k4/4k8/9k6 USP FEC, SSTV.
   Frequency of MKA "MONITOR-4 (RS57S)":    436.080 MHz GMSK 2k4/4k8/9k6 USP FEC, SSTV.
   Frequency of MKA "VIZARD-METEO (RS38S)": 437.825 MHz GMSK 2k4/4k8/9k6 USP FEC, SSTV.
   Frequency of MKA "NANOZOND-1 (RS49S)":   437.000 MHz GMSK 2k4/4k8/9k6 USP FEC, SSTV.
   Frequency of MKA "UTMN-2 (RS27S)":       436.125 MHz GMSK 2k4/4k8/9k6 USP FEC, SSTV.

Satellite            Operator       Platform
UMKA-1 (RS40S)       Municipal educational institution Secondary school No.29 named after P.I.Zabrodin Podolsk, Sputnix
MONITOR-3 (RS58S)    Research Institute of Nuclear Physics named after D.V.Skobeltsyn MSU, Sputnix
MONITOR-4 (RS57S)    Research Institute of Nuclear Physics named after D.V.Skobeltsyn MSU, Sputnix
VIZARD-METEO (RS38S) NIS LLC Moscow, Sputnix
NANOZOND-1 (RS49S)   Orel State University named after I.S.Turgeneva, Sputnix
UTMN-2 (RS27S)       Tyumen State University, Sputnix

The MONITOR-3 (RS58S), MONITOR-4 (RS57S), VIZARD-METEO (RS38S), UTMN-2 (RS27S) satellites
from April 3 to April 17, 2024 will be controlled by the finalists of the full-time stage
of the All-Russian competition "Orbit Space-π. Applied space systems" at the space shift
of the "Planet Duty" program, organized with the support of the Foundation
for the Promotion of Innovation from the Baytik camp, Kazan.

Telemetry of MKA "UMKA-1 (RS40S)" (Ether network) -
Telemetry of the small spacecraft "MONITOR-3 (RS58S)" (Ether network) -
Telemetry of the small spacecraft "MONITOR-4 (RS57S)" (Ether network) -
Telemetry of the small spacecraft "VIZARD-METEO (RS38S)" (Ether network) -
Telemetry of the small spacecraft "NANOZOND-1 (RS49S)" (Ether network) -
Telemetry of the small spacecraft "UTMN-2 (RS27S)" (Ether network) -

 - Instructions for setting up software for tracking satellites: Installing and configuring Orbitron software for tracking satellites
 - Telegram chat for advisory support on setting up the receiving station and software and just for communication:

Image decoding program for Windows OS: RX-SSTV;
Image decoding program for Linux OS: QSSTV;
Image decoding program for Android OS: Robot36;
Image decoding program for iOS: SSTV Slow Scan TV;
 - Our chat in Telegram for advisory support and just for communication –
 - Our channel in Telegram –
 - Our group on VK –
 - Our group in Odnoklassniki –