JA6FTL,W3IWI各局に版権のある Trakboxが新しいハードウェアに移植成功したと
いうメールが KF7PSM局から届きました。一年前に、My_Blog, JAMSAT-BB で皆様
に協力依頼し、その後 JA6FTL/朝戸氏からソースコード公開について直接許諾を
Update TrakboxDue Project
From: KF7PSM
Date: Fri, 27 May 2022 10:41:22 -0700
Dear Wakitasan and Asatosan,
It has been a long time but I have time now to work on trakbox updated
hardware etc. OM Martin W6LHI/G8LHI sent to me his old original trakbox
for reference, I am so happy for this. You can see picture here:
Sashin: https://github.com/pfiliberti/trakbox_due/blob/master/README.md
Also I want to let you know I have been successful in compiling old
trakbox software. I was missing the assembler files but I found the
missing functions in eprom image and re-created assembler functions so
I have 100% Compilation and eprom image.
Thanks to Martin I will test in my old trakbox and see how it works.
Then I will begin to think of new processor and hardware for a new
I want to release to HAM community as GPL Open Source and so JAMSAT
and TAPR etc. can freely use.
Also, is it ok to publish the trakbox software you made on my page so
whole world can use or do you just want me to keep private?
Thanks again, I hope you are all Healthy and doing well.
Genki De
73 de KF7PSM
Re: Update TrakboxDue Project
From: JE9PEL
Hello. KF7PSM, Peter
Congratulations for your "Update TrakboxDue Project".
> Is it ok to publish the trakbox software you made on my page?
Yes, OK to publish it all over the world!
Please specify that JAMSAT, JA6FTL, W3IWI and KF7PSM has the copyright.
http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~ei7m-wkt/numbr979.htm (JP)
de JE9PEL, Mineo Wakita