FO-29 battery current2010年04月24日 18時32分

Hello Frank,

Thanks for your considerable report about FO-29 battery current.
And I transferred this report to FO-29 Grand Station.
I analyzed FO-29 CW, 08:46 UTC, 24 Apr 2010 as follows.

HI HI 20 C2 88 D5 00 84 00 00 09 60 01 01 60 7E 90 8D F0 7C 8B 8A 8E 8C 87
HI HI 20 C2 88 D5 00 84 00 00 09 60 01 01 65 7F 90 8D F1 8B 8B 8A 8E 8C 87
HI HI 20 C2 88 D5 00 84 00 00 09 60 01 01 67 7E 90 8D F1 90 8B 8A 8E 8C 87
HI HI 20 C2 88 D5 00 84 00 00 09 60 01 01 66 7F 91 8E F1 7A 8B 8A 8E 8C 87
HI HI 20 C2 88 D5 00 84 00 00 09 60 01 01 66 7E 90 8D F1 8A 8B 8A 8E 8C 87
HI HI 20 C2 88 D5 00 84 00 00 09 60 01 01 68 7F 90 8D F0 7E 8B 8A 8E 8D 87
HI HI 20 C2 88 D5 00 84 00 00 09 60 01 01 66 7E 90 8D F0 72 8B 8A 8E 8D 87
HI HI 20 C2 88 D5 00 84 00 00 09 60 01 01 63 7F 91 8E F0 71 8B 89 8E 8D 87
HI HI 20 C2 88 D5 00 84 00 00 09 60 01 01 64 7E 90 8D F1 73 8B 89 8E 8D 87

Solar Current         941.2 [mA]
Battery Current       469.6 [mA]
Battery Voltage        15.5 [V]
Middle Voltage          6.8 [V]
Bus Voltage            23.5 [V]
JTA Tx Power          707.9 [mW]
Structure1 Temp        27.9 [C]
Structure2 Temp        28.3 [C]
Structure3 Temp        26.7 [C]
Structure4 Temp        27.5 [C]
Battery Cell Temp      29.5 [C]

[Original Message]
FO-29 battery current
From: Frank
Date: Fri, 23 Apr 2010 10:14:55 -0500

Hello Mineo:

I am concerned about FO-29 health.  The signals have been very weak the
past 24 hours.  I checked the telemetry and found the battery current
steady 7F which means discharge 489 mA.  Also, battery voltage is 91
(15,6 V).  The battery voltage is about 1 Volt below normal for sunlight
condx.  The middle battery voltage has been getting lower for many week
and is now 8D / 8E which translates to 6.79 V.   Solar array current is
above 1 Ampere and looks OK. Other telemetry looks normal also.

If the telemetry for channel 4B (battery current) is working, this may
explain why the satellite signal is so weak.  It is at least 10dB weaker
than normal, probably even more.

Thank you for checking this situation out.

I have been using and watching FO-29 ever since it was launched.
It is the best amateur satellite ever built and I hope it can survive
many more years.

73 for now,

Decatur, IL  USA



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