PSAT telemetry in Direwolf2016年08月25日 19時04分

Direwolf の中では、テレメトリの数値に過剰反応してしまっています。
18:33-18:45JST, 25 Aug 2016, Ele 61 WN-N-ES, 145.825MHz AFSK

Dire Wolf version 1.2
Audio input device for receive: udp:7355  (channel 0)
Audio out device for transmit: default  (channel 0)
Channel 0: 1200 baud, AFSK 1200 & 2200 Hz, E+, 48000 sample rate.
Note: PTT not configured for channel 0. (Ignore this if using VOX.)
Ready to accept AGW client application 0 on port 8000 ...
Ready to accept KISS client application on port 8001 ...
Use -p command line option to enable KISS pseudo terminal.

PSAT audio level = 32(7/7)   [NONE]   |||||||__
[0.3] PSAT>APRSON,ARISS:T#029,865,068,847,765,398,00011000

Telemetry analog values should be 3 digit integer values in range of 000 to 255.
Some applications might not interpret "865" properly.
Telemetry analog values should be 3 digit integer values in range of 000 to 255.
Some applications might not interpret "847" properly.
Telemetry analog values should be 3 digit integer values in range of 000 to 255.
Some applications might not interpret "765" properly.
Telemetry analog values should be 3 digit integer values in range of 000 to 255.
Some applications might not interpret "398" properly.
Telemetry, --no-symbol--, Generic, (obsolete. Digis should use APNxxx instead)
Seq=29, A1=865, A2=68, A3=847, A4=765, A5=398, D1=0, D2=0, D3=0, D4=1, D5=1, D6=0, D7=0, D8=0

PSAT audio level = 27(7/7)   [NONE]   |||||||__
[0.3] PSAT>APRSON,ARISS:s#016408,0z200,OKKqGGqIHqJHpJIpKJpMJpMJpNJpNJoNJoNJ<0x0d>
Unknown message type s, --no-symbol--, Generic, (obsolete. Digis should use APNxxx instead)

PSAT audio level = 33(7/7)   [NONE]   |||||||__
[0.3] PSAT>APRSON,ARISS:T#030,859,071,848,769,398,00011000

Telemetry analog values should be 3 digit integer values in range of 000 to 255.
Some applications might not interpret "859" properly.
Telemetry analog values should be 3 digit integer values in range of 000 to 255.
Some applications might not interpret "848" properly.
Telemetry analog values should be 3 digit integer values in range of 000 to 255.
Some applications might not interpret "769" properly.
Telemetry analog values should be 3 digit integer values in range of 000 to 255.
Some applications might not interpret "398" properly.
Telemetry, --no-symbol--, Generic, (obsolete. Digis should use APNxxx instead)
Seq=30, A1=859, A2=71, A3=848, A4=769, A5=398, D1=0, D2=0, D3=0, D4=1, D5=1, D6=0, D7=0, D8=0

PSAT audio level = 40(8/7)   [SINGLE]   __::::___
[0.3] PSAT>APRSON,ARISS::BLN2USA  :See APRS.FI & 144.39 users<0x0d>
APRS Message for "BLN2USA", --no-symbol--, Generic, (obsolete. Digis should use APNxxx instead)
See APRS.FI & 144.39 users



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Tropical fish?

