New FO-29 Telemetry2023年08月11日 15時57分

FO-29 has been on frequently lately.  It has been a nice surprise to hear it so often.
The signals are very strong and the telemetry system is working normally.
Attached is a file from yesterday August 9, 2023 received by my son Scott K7WDO.
Jo K9WXC and I decoded it with EXCEL.

The strange very high battery voltage may indicate that half the battery has an open
cell which may be good news.  The half battery voltage is normal. The bus voltage looks
good, solar array current is normal and all the temperature data is completely normal.
It is good to see the battery temperature down to 13.87ºC due to the 20 minute eclipses
allowing the satellite to cool down.

Do you have a theory that would explain why FO-29 is now staying on longer even with
20 minute eclipses?

Frank Wiesenmeyer K9CIS