OCX_file registration2023年04月19日 07時08分

"Agw_online_kiss" や "Illumination" ソフトウェアは、Windows10 のOCXファイル
これらのソフトを Windows10上で動作させる方法を次にまとめた。

> You can get "Illumination Software" from DK3WN site.
> https://www.dk3wn.info/wp/digital/
> I detailed in my site how to build it.
> http://www.ne.jp/asahi/hamradio/je9pel/ocxinstl.htm
> The "Agw_online_kiss Software" is described there, and the same is true
> for the "Illumination Software". I think you have to deal with OCX files.
> When "Illumination Software" starts, put TLE file in the same folder.
> Good luck.
> JE9PEL, Mineo Wakita