Digital Satellite Blog since 13 Jan 2006 JE9PEL/JR6, Mineo Wakita Comment Answer: Angelfish
since 13 Jan 2006 count No. 620,000 as of 25 Sep 2023 count No. 630,000 from 09 Jul 2024
19:38-19:50JSR, 18 Oct 2016, Ele 73 S-E-N, 437.384MHz 9600bps GMSK
by JE9PEL/1 [コメント(0)|トラックバック(0)]
(C)2016 QB50 QB50 will make use of three different launch campaign to complete the orbital injection of all the CubeSats. Always aiming at the maximization of the Mission Objectives, the identified launch scenario is structured as follows: QB50-DS, 6 CubeSats launched on a "Dnepr Science Flight" SSO @475km Dnepr Launcher Science Campaign Q3 2016 QB50-ISS, 40 CubeSats deployed from the "ISS" 415km, 51.6deg Deployment from ISS Science Campaign & IOD Q4 2016 QB50-DIOD, 2 IOD CubeSats launched on a second Dnepr, the "Dnepr IOD Flight" SSO @550km Dnepr Launch IOD Q4 2016/Q1 2017 QB50 CubeSats Scenario and Schedule
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