New ID, ASRTU-1=61781 etc.2024年12月08日 16時22分

POLYTECH-UNIVERSE-5  61745   24199L
COLIBRI-S            61746   24199M
POLYTECH-UNIVERSE-4  61747   24199N
VIZARD-ION           61749   24199Q
MTUSI-1              61750   24199R
VLADIVOSTOK-1        61751   24199S
HORS-3               61753   24199U
HORS-4               61754   24199V
HORIZON              61757   24199Y
NORBY-3              61761   24199AC
ARCTICSAT-1          61762   24199AD
SIT-HSE              61763   24199AE
SIT-2086             61764   24199AF
MORDOVIA-IOT         61765   24199AG
RUZAEVKA-390         61766   24199AH
Nokhcho              61767   24199AJ
KOSAR                61769   24199AL
HYPERVIEW-1G         61772   24199AP
CSTP-2.11            61774   24199AR
CSTP-2.2             61775   24199AS
CSTP-2.1             61777   24199AU
ALTAIR               61779   24199AW
ASRTU-1              61781   24199AY
TUSUR-GO             61782   24199AZ
ZIMSAT-2             61783   24199BA
SAMSAT-IONOSPHERE    61784   24199BB
RTU-MIREA1           61785   24199BC
SWSU-60 (YuZGU-60)   61787   24199BE

Q: Receiving Telemetry from Asrtu-12024年12月08日 22時44分

どなたか分かる局はありますか? 自局宛てに回答下さると幸いです。

I am Olaf -DH1OK- and I am interested in receiving the telemetry data
from AO-123. While searching the internet, I found your blog : .
Here you describe the installation of the  GNU Radio.
I have done every step of your installation.
And it seems to me - it works on your side.

But not here in my shack. I have the following problem
and I don’t know how to fix it:

When i start GNU radio companion and load demod_asrtu-1_rtlsdr.grc
and demod_asrtu-1_audio.grc, there are some
errors that i can't erase.

Do you know how to fix it?

Olaf, DH1OK