[20241017T0256_mod2.cam] @ JA3TDW and JE1CVL
The two lines filled with "FF" were completely deleted using Geany to obtain the image abobe.
> for i in 0..0x111
> printf("grep 84,%04X 20241017T0256_mod2.cam | head -1 | cut -c 9-130 >> 20241017T0256_mod2_cut.hex\n", i)
> end
> [0273] decimal = [0111] hexadecimal
> save above [ext084.rb]
$ ruby ext084.rb
$ ruby ext084.rb > 41025sk2.sh
$ sh 41025sk2.sh
$ cat 20241017T0256_mod2_cut.hex > 41025sk2.hex
$ tr -d '\n' < 41025sk2.hex > 41025sk2-oneline.hex
$ cat 41025sk2-oneline.hex | xxd -r -p > 41025sk2-completion.jpg