TEVEL-5/6 OFF, TEVEL-7 ON2024年07月20日 07時28分

It looks like TEVEL-5 and 6 were removed from the Keplerian elements lists.
I guess that this means a re-entry. TEVEL 5 and 6 had perigees well under 200 km
associated with their last published TLE sets, so they are almost certainly part
of our atmosphere at this point.

The remaining TEVEL satellites are a little higher, they will remain in orbit for
another 2 weeks or so. See for example TEVEL-3.

TEVEL-7 is probably the last transponder operation of the TEVEL satellites.
We need the beacon transmissions for some student projects.

TEVEL-7 FM transponder has been activated, starting from today 19.07.24 20:25U for 72 hours.

"Fox Telemetry Decoder" on LINUX #32024年07月20日 15時53分

I have confirmed that MESAT-1 was decoded and uploaded to the server using
Windows version. Now I will return to the experiment using Linux version.
File Settings -> (Check) Upload to Server                    (Tnx>JE1CVL)

