UreSat-1(Hades-B) launch today2023年06月13日 07時11分

AMSAT-EA, URE (the equivalent in Spain for ARRL)

Launch: 12 Jun 2023, 21:19UTC from Vandenberg AFB
Uplink: 145.925/145.975MHz, Voice without subtone, 50bps_FSK, 1200/2400bps_AFSK, APRS
Downlink: 436.888MHz, FM voice, CW, 50bps_FSK telemetry, SSTV Robot_36, Voice beacon
Callsign: AO4URE

PDF: Document describing the transmissions
WAV: Sample file with the audio of a telemetry file
ZIP: Linux x86 / ARM decoder for telemetry

UreSat-1(Hades-B) chess board2023年06月13日 09時51分

Test wav:
$ cd uresat1/linux-x86/
$ ./uresat-test-wav-linux-x86.sh

Received wav:
$ sox -t raw -b 16 -c 1 -e signed -r 24000 input_file.wav output_file.wav
$ ./uresat-live-decoding-linux-x86.sh