Digital Satellite Blog since 13 Jan 2006 JE9PEL/JR6, Mineo Wakita Comment Answer: Angelfish
since 13 Jan 2006 count No. 620,000 as of 25 Sep 2023 count No. 630,000 from 09 Jul 2024
Currently the target orbit of AstroBioCubeSat (C) > A warning that these TLEs are not valid for this launch, as the RA > of the ascending node is wrong. They assumed that the RAAN from > this tweet was in TEME/J2000, while it is in Earth longitude. VEGA-C (unconfirmed) 1 84002U 22194.52504630 .00000000 00000-0 00000-0 0 00 2 84002 70.1600 50.0000 0000815 30.0000 147.0000 6.38669028 02 (C)JA0CAW,JE1CVL
by JE9PEL/JR6 (Ishigaki) [コメント(0)|トラックバック(0)]
Watch Europe's Vega C rocket launch on debut mission Wednesday morning Liftoff is scheduled for 7:13 a.m. EDT (11:13 GMT).
The countdown stopped 1 minute and 29 seconds before the scheduled launch time. The launch has been postponed.
The launch was successful at 13:13 UTC, two hours behind the original schedule.
Satellites information since 8 Jul 1993
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