[AMSAT-BB] Amicalsat : 6 June S-band Transmission
Date: Sat, 5 Jun 2021 07:23:45 +0200
The 6 June amicalsat will transmit a picture above Europe, US and Asia.
Here is when a transmission will start :
- 09:35 UTC
- 05:58 UTC
- 3:18 UTC
First CW is transmitted during one second, and then the frames follow. The
RTC onboard is not very accurate due to high temperature change, allow up
to two minutes drift on the time given. (because this is a planned task in
the satellite)
The transmission will occur on the S-band coordinated frequency : 2415.300
MHz Due to temperature and hardware limitation the frequency might be a
little lower.
For help, and reports please contact us.
Happy receiving !