New MinXSS beacon decoder compiling #22017年08月15日 23時55分

さらに進展したコンパイルを実行し、ようやく "MinXSS beacon decoder" を起動
することができた。途中で、"No module named numpy" という警告表示が出たが
"pip install numpy" とコマンドを打ち込んで対処した。最後に Python により
"python" として完成した。 なお、初期の Decoder 
でも考慮した "input_properties.cfg" を、MinXSSフォルダから次のフォルダに

> From: James Mason
> Sorry for the slow response.
> I'm out in Alaska helping to install our second UHF ground station.
> Glad to see the progress! I think it is very close.
> A couple of things to try:

*  Make sure you have the folder C:\users\{username}\MinXSS_Beacon_Decoder
   and the file input_properties.cfg in it.

   This is a known issue
   with the program.

     serialport = 3
     baudrate = 19200
     ipaddress =
     port = 8100
     decodeKiss = True
     forwardData = True
     latitude = 35.3841
     longitude = 139.6101

*  I want to automatically generate that folder and file but
   have to figure out how to deal with write permissions.

*  If that doesn't work, try the steps below:

*  Open MS Command Prompt

*  CD to the directory where you have the MinXSS beacon decoder python code
   that you downloaded

*  Type: pip install numpy

*  Type: python