FO-29 周波数変化と衛星温度の評価2009年06月26日 06時12分

Estimating Sat Temps, FO29's Frequency Variability and Spacecraft Temperature
by James A. DeYoung, N8OQ (ex KG4QWC),
On 20 April 2007, FO-29 (other names are JAS-2, 24278 and 1996-046B) was
found off the air by SVlBSX on a pass over Europe [1]. I captured telemetry
on 19 April 2007 and noted nothing unusual in the values [2]. I also noted
after review of historical AMSAT-BB submissions that FO-29 had previously
been silent beginning on 8 April 2004 as first noted and reported by N7EQF [3].
The apparent root cause of FO-29 being off the air in both cases was reduced
battery capacity and long eclipse durations, which prevented full battery
charging during sunlight. ・・・以下続く。 記事というよりも科学的論文です。

全体で 10MB の PDFファイルです。興味のある方は直接、私までご連絡下さい。

AO-13 スピンレート計算方法2009年06月26日 21時48分

"Umbrellas in the Mist" by James Miller G3RUH
I'm going to tell you how to calculate Oscar-13's spin rate to 6 decimal
places. Bored already? OK, suit yourself. Go away and do something more
interesting. But would I be wasting your time and mine telling you something
this trivial if there wasn't a reason? ・・・以下続く。

これは G3RUH/James Miller氏による、『AO-13 スピンレート計算方法』に関する
内容で、1994年6月に 'Amsat-UK Oscar News #107' に掲載された貴重な論文です。
見開き 2ページ 3MB の PDFファイルです。こちらも関心のある方はご連絡下さい。