JH1EKH 局の最新情報です。
突然、PRESAT (437.318 MHz FM), NANOSAIL-D (437.269 MHz FM) が
本日(8/3) 09:05JST に打ち上げられるという情報が入ってきました。
あと、1時間後です。 ロケットは打ち上げ成功。 衛星は分離失敗。
→ ライブ中継
No.TypNo Type Date LS Payload
3 1 Falcon-1 03.08.08 F Om Trailblazer / PreSat /
Nanosail D / Celestis 07
planned launches
4 2 Falcon-1 xx.xx.08 Om RazakSat 1 / Cubesats
Falcon-1 xx.3Q.09 Om Argo
Falcon-1 xx.4Q.09 Om (SpaceDev)
3: Stage separation failure (Version 1st flight, Failure)
Launch Sites
CC Cape Canaveral SLC-36A
Om Omelek Island, Kwajalein, Marshall Islands
Va Vandenberg SLC-3W
Last update: 03.08.2008
Posted August 2, 2008 - 20:38 PDT
We have heard from launch control that there has been an anomaly.
More details will be posted to the website as available.
Posted August 2, 2008
T+140s: Vehicle switching to inertial guidance mode. 1050 m/s, altitude of 35 km
T+69s: Approaching Max-Q - the time of maximum dynamic pressure on the vehicle
T+56s: Approaching Mach 1 - the vehicle is now supersonic
Posted August 2, 2008 - 20:33 PDT
T+4s: Falcon 1 has cleared the tower
T+0: We have liftoff!
Posted August 2, 2008 - 20:33 PDT
We are go!